Thursday, January 17, 2013

My dear gnomes, I am back, and I have missed you all. I apologize for the long absence but I was detained by life's chaos. I come back to you ready to feed you all with  tongue in cheek wit and brilliant vision. I would blame my lack of sleep. You see, I had a terrible bed. One where not even a troll would live under it because of dreadful back pain. Pain so wretched it ached our bodies and sadden(ed) our souls. But by the kindness of some good people, our suffering was ended and something magical came into our lives - memory foam.

Now when the mattress arrived, I promise this is going somewhere, bear with me, when it came into our feeble lives... We found that something tragic was also happening. Because (strike 'because' start with Where) where the torture bed made us flee from our bed, this new monster, it pulls you in. It locks you in it's embracing comfort and makes you want to stay, linger, or never leave. It's a pit of deception, yes your rest is peaceful and perfect, but when you wake up and it's time to get up, it's impossible to do so without being devastated. it's more torture than the bed of torture!

The great that comes with this bed, is the dreaming, the visions of beautiful getaways, and adventures I want to have, I dream of taking people to. I have inspiration, because no longer do I feel plagued by pain. And with this comfort, I can feel my wide eyes opening to other opportunities in my life. I can imagine the first group I trek through Prague on my first beer tour that takes me to the Augustine. I see the Danube, and those culinary river cruises I know are going to make an impact in culinary tourism so stellar, my phone won't stop ringing with requests.

I see the Danube and Rhine filling with wonderful river cruises featuring the great food and wine of the region. Impacting a new way to get to the heart of culinary tourism... and enticing you to call to request your own personal dream fulfillment!

The new comfort makes me want to go out there and see if there's other's as warm and welcoming. To see what retreats promise you the perfect night's sleep, because I now have this marvel to compare them to. Sweet dreams can come with the ultimate vacation, and I want to see that, and experience that!

It's important to dream, and see your vision. I think believe I was gone for so long because my dreams were so terribly clouded in pain. But now that I can sleep in peace, I can realize what my true goals are, and I'm ready to conquer them... But first let me take a nap in this comfy bed...  The new bed gets lonely!