Thursday, December 1, 2011

Puzzle Pieces

Recently I got in touch with a cousin who has a story that really inspires me. It's been about a decade... or more since I've heard or seen anything from my cousins in Miami. It's not that any of us were avoiding each other, it was just distance and life got the best of us and we all lost touch. But now, thanks to social media it's easy to catch up on those loved ones we lost touch with so long ago (or an ex you wanted to see if they were indeed lost without you).

After getting in touch with my cousin Eddie I found that he had not only grown into a wonderful person, but that he was brave in a way that so few of us are. He went to school and got a degree. Like so much of us he went out into the big world and found a well paying job, and even purchased a home. He did what was expected of everyone, he lived the American dream. What happened after that, I imagine was a lot like a scene from the movie Office Space, Eddie realized he was bored and that this life was not what his soul thrived for, so (in what I consider the bravest thing anyone I have ever known to do) he quit his job, sold his home, and bought a one way ticket to New Zealand. Now Eddie lives a life that he's loves with all his heart and soul. He lives in this gorgeous land living his life to it's fullest. I'm sure the road he chose was not easy but I don't know anyone who seems as happy and free as he is. It makes me jealous and joyful that he found  the strength to go against the grain and create a life that inspires me so much it brings me to tears.

I know little gnomes that I need to bring this around to travel so hold your horses I'm getting there! Since learning about my cousin's dynamic life changing decision and being overwhelmed by his bravery I have started having these dreams about taking/planning a travel package where I send people to go to New Zealand, where they too can be inspired by Eddie's encouraging story. In my dreams he shows them this eye opening world that inspires them and changes who they are too. It's more than a vacation it becomes a pilgrimage for them to discover who they really are. Every time I have these dreams I wake up energized and desperate to find some way, some place for people to find the courage to go out and live the life they actually dream of.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to convince my cousin to become a ground operator and share his story with people, showing them around the new homeland he has found for himself. I will still have his story inspiring me to help people find the path that will change their lives and realize their truest dreams.

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