Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are mini buses the new location for clubbing?

I'm planning something fun and small here in the Dallas area. A bus tour of the city that takes it's guest on an eye opening tour of the Metroplex to it's finest wineries and breweries. It's going to be a nice pleasant day trip where everyone will just relax and enjoy some of this great cities hidden pleasures.

I had to locate a reasonable and polite bus service to use for our exciting adventure, but while finding some wonderful companies to work with I found something rather... interesting. Buses are being "tricked out" to suit a more party atmosphere than I ever expected. I never in my whole life thought I'd have to say "Um, no.. A stripper poll and purple neon will not be needed, but thank you." when finding out prices for a twenty-five person mini bus. I can't have a leisurely day visiting the refined wineries here in this wonderful city if I have to keep resisting the urge to dance to electronica and be a "woo" girl. I need something small and quiet where I can have an enlightening conversation about the venue we just left. When did I miss the mini buses debut into the world of hardcore clubbing and nightlife?! I feel so left behind!

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